Monday, January 20, 2014

YA2014 Qigong last day class before CNY

Dear all members, please be informed that our last day for Qigong practice class is on 24.1.2014 (Friday), so that all of you have more time in Chinese New Year preparation!

Our class will resume on 10.2.2014 (Monday).

各位学员和老师们,气功班最后一天是在24。1。2014 (星期五),开课在10。2。2014(星期一)


2014 新年快乐,万事如意!

Dear our lovely Qigong members, wish you all Happy Chinese New Year! 
May you be happy and prosperous in Year of Horse!


2013 Year End Dinner 收功晚宴

(Year End Dinner)

All the Committee Members, Laoshi, Fudaoyuan and Students are cordially invited.
日期(Date): 25/01/2014 星期六 (Saturday)
时间(Time): 傍晚7时:30分 (7:30pm)
地点(Location): Taman Petani Jaya,金龙冷气酒家(Restoran Kim Leng)
席金(Fees): 每位RM35.00 
                            RM35.00 per person

报名截止日期(Registration Deadline): 23/01/2014
请联络(Contact person):
陈美瑛老师 016-3834013

Tan Moy Eng Laoshi 016-3834013

不必穿制服 (Casual Wear)